1.   Would you even consider having a relationship with a man like Denny?

2.   The resistance also refused to consider having the Phnom Penh Prime Minister, Hun Sen, as SNC vice-chair.

3.   Consider having a non-approved list.

4.   And now GPs in affected areas are advising patients to consider having a vaccine, which would give immunity for up to six months.

5.   Have you considered having holes in the ground and inside the board one on top of the other?

6.   Although Nicklaus has seen several doctors about his back, he did not sound as if he would consider having surgery.

7.   And Ms. Bowers said that if her cancer should recur in the future, she would consider having the treatment.

8.   And small drivers are urged to consider having pedal extenders installed, allowing them to sit further back from the steering wheel.

9.   Authorities there considered having the pigs destroyed before an owner of potbellied pigs in Metairie, La., found a haven for them at the Wild Animal Orphanage here.

10.   Baldwin said the state would consider having the for-profit company that replaces ComCare develop plans to check on possible overmedication.

v-ing having >>共 328
deny 10.87%
avoid 8.08%
mean 3.81%
start 3.81%
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end_up 3.00%
include 2.58%
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taking 2.89%
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selling 2.33%
making 2.26%
moving 2.13%
leaving 1.91%
using 1.82%
running 1.67%
sending 1.53%
giving 1.44%
having 0.91%
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